Education Program

Together, We Are Able®

Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration in schools because every student matters.

But not all children are seen as equal in the eyes of their school community.

Did you know that children with disabilities are 65% more likely to experience bullying than children without? The exclusion, labeling, and teasing they face in schools can result in years of social isolation. One study found that 1 in 4 young adults with Autism who participated had no peer contact for an entire year.

Can you imagine a childhood without a single friend?

Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration addresses this social discrimination by promoting inclusion on school campuses across the world.

The Three Steps of our Education Program

Step 1

Classroom Prep

A 60-minute classroom ability awareness workshop that helps general education students walk through their beliefs and assumptions about disabilities while preparing them for interaction with their peers with differences.

Step 2

Interactive Field Trip

An interactive field trip to an inclusive playground, where your students with and without disabilities are paired together for a day of play and learning.

Step 3

Follow-Up Conversation

A follow-up, 45-minute classroom workshop that helps general education students synthesize how their perceptions shifted, what they learned from their buddies with disabilities, and how they can pay it forward in the community.

Join us and create a truly inclusive school environment today!

Join our social inclusion program that teaches compassion in the classroom and on the playground.
If you live in the Los Angeles region, book your interactive field trip today!

Why Inclusion Matters on the Playground

When general education students and students with special needs play together, it breaks down unconscious biases about disability and fosters relationships. See the impact of our “Together, We Are Able” Education Program in this video created by the George Lucas Educational Foundation for Edutopia, a website devoted to showing people how they can adopt or adapt best practices, and tell stories of innovation and continuous learning in the real world. Link:

Social Inclusion Training and Resources

Interested in transforming your school campus? Our proven curriculum and training, now in over 65 countries, give you the tools you need to promote social inclusion both in students and among your colleagues.


Students explore their feelings, beliefs, and reactions to people with disabilities.

Social Awareness

Students learn how their biases impact their peers and overcome those through play!

Responsible Decision Making

Students identify changes in beliefs and behaviors that will include EVERYONE.