Westside Family Resource and Empowerment Center


The Westside Family Resource and Empowerment Center (WFREC) is housed within the same building and works in collaboration with the Westside Regional Center, local school districts, and community-based organizations that provide supports and services to children and their families. The WFREC is staffed by experienced parents and family members who are qualified to provide emotional, technical, and informational support to families who have an infant, child, or young adult with a disability, chronic illness, or other health care need.

They offer a variety of support groups where parents have the opportunity to meet and learn from other parents. These groups are designed to provide information, resources, community, and hope. When families share common concerns and experiences, the support can be uniquely meaningful. They also sponsor training and workshops to help families learn how to understand and navigate the often-times complex systems of care in California.

Learn more at westsiderc.org/westside-family-resource-empowerment-center.