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In 1998 at the age of 45, Lenín Moreno acquired a disability that changed both his Lenín Moreno has become a champion for true, holistic inclusion for people with disabilities in his country. Among many other accomplishments and achievements for Ecuadorian’s with disabilities, he brought inclusive play to the country’s agenda. In 2013, when he was Vice-President, his office requested that Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration partner with his Ministry to design, build, and program the very first inclusive playground in the country. Inclusion Matters’ team have returned to provide social inclusion training to municipal leaders, university students, and volunteers who run the Inclusion Matters education program there.

Today, we continue our partnership with the President, the First Lady Rocío de Moreno, and his Ministry. Our design team has trained and provided consultation for playground developers and government agencies there, helping to fulfill the President’s vision of 92 inclusive playgrounds throughout Ecuador by 2022 and establishing the first federal guidelines for inclusive play.

When asked why play was included in his holistic health program, he replied: “You can´t talk about inclusion if it doesn’t consider the human being as a whole. That is why we decided to work on all the aspects that involve inclusion such as art, sports, and recreation in every single action or project we did.”

To learn more, please visit: https://www.todaunavida.gob.ec/