The Department on Disability, on behalf of the City of Los Angeles, is committed to ensuring full access to employment, programs, facilities and services; through strategic management and partnership education, advocacy, training, research and improved service delivery; for the benefit of persons with disabilities, providers of essential resources and policymakers.
The City of Los Angeles ADA Compliance Officer is Geoffrey Straniere, who is currently responsible for ensuring that City programs, services and activities are accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Please feel free to contact:
E-mail: [email protected]
Voice: (213) 202-2764 or
TTY: (213) 202-3452
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and, upon request, will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services and activities.
The Department on Disability (DOD) offers services to Angelinos, City employees and the City of Los Angeles.
AIDS Coordinator’s Office (ACO) is committed to developing and supporting programs and policies that prevent the transmission and acquisition of HIV and improve the quality of life for people living with HIV/AIDS in the City of Los Angeles.
Auxiliary Aids and Services include, but are not limited to: qualified readers; taped texts; audio recording; brailled and large print materials; or other effective methods of making written and visually represented information accessible to individuals with visual impairments.
Community Outreach Referrals and Education (CORE) creates ongoing collaborative relationships to promote referrals to social services that may include, but are not limited to: housing, emergency shelter, accessible transportation, employment, and job training.
Disability Access and Services (DASD) coordinates and monitors the City’s compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504).
Disability Mediation Program provides mediation services to persons with disabilities or those whose conflicts involve a person or persons with disabilities.
Learn more at disability.lacity.org.