Communities Actively Living Independent & Free (CALIF) is an independent living center, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that provides advocacy programs and services for people with disabilities primarily residing within the 50 zip codes of Los Angeles County covering south and central Los Angeles and neighboring communities.

CALIF’s advocacy work ranges from, but not limited to, Systems Change Advocacy, Housing Advocacy & Olmstead Housing Development, Individual & Benefits advocacy, Personal Assistance Services, Information & Referral Services, Peer Counseling and Independent Living Skills Training, Assistive Technology, Deinstitutionalization/Transition Program, Employment Services, community outreach and networking among the diverse communities of Los Angeles, government and private agencies and grassroots organizations within the community.

CALIF also provide various education and training and volunteer opportunities to the young and older population, especially of the disability community through the various collaborating agencies like Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), National Asian Center for Aging (NAPCA) and Volunteer Center of Los Angeles, among others. Having over 23 years of existence as an independent living center since its foundation in 2001, CALIF continues to proactively explore the various opportunities to grow and expand its programs and services through aggressive grant writing and effective programs and services implementation and purposeful advocacy work.

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