Tides of Kindness


Through kindness, they improve the quality of life for individuals and their communities. One act of kindness will create Tides of Kindness.


“Hi, I’m Caley Versfelt, the founder of Tides of Kindness! Thank you for  joining me in changing the way people look at disabilities by seeing abilities first. My goal is to encourage people to be kind, to treat people with dignity and value. Through kindness, we improve the quality of life for individuals and their communities. Kindness spreads kindness. “Having Down Syndrome is a gift. I love life, people, and who I am. My motto is, “Dream big & never give up.” I am an advocate and motivational speaker for acceptance, diversity, and inclusion. I encourage people to have the confidence to pursue their dreams. Determination and self-confidence allow us to become leaders and to become the best version of ourselves.”


One act of kindness can create Tides of Kindness. I demonstrate everyone should be valued, including those with a disability. Together, we can change hearts and attitudes. I want to inspire people to overcome their fears, to treat people with respect, and to accept people for who they are. Believe in yourself and the abilities of others because we can all shine. Remember, kindness is contagious!


Fun t-shirts have brought me joy since I could remember. Holidays are my favorite because my siblings would give me new shirts. Knowing how much joy they brought, I wanted to bring that same joy to others through a t-shirt business. Every time someone sees a Tides of Kindness shirt, I hope it brings a smile to one’s face and reminds people that kindness truly is contagious. With the help of my family and friends, I’ve brought my dream of owning a business to life!


A percentage of profits is donated to our host at events, including the Down Syndrome Association of Orange County, Special Olympics Southern California, Easter Seals, the Long Beach Aquarium, Best Buddies, and Dear Mom. Please contact us if you would like us at your next event!

Learn more at caleyversfelt.com.